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Ultra Filtration Systems

Ultra Filtration Systems With the Ultra filtration technology, whose use is rapidly increasing all over the world, advanced treatment of water is carried out by producing economical and efficient solutions. Ultra filtration systems have started to be preferred in the field of water treatment because of the ease of the operating system, high efficiency (90%) and cost-effectiveness according to the quality of removal. Ultra filtration modules, with their membrane structure with a pore diameter of 0.02 micron, act as a complete barrier for bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms without the need for chemicals. It reverses all particles larger than 0.02 micron pore diameter, showing a turbidity value lower than 0.1 NTU and an excellent filtration ability in the removal of organic matter. As it is well known, one of the most applied methods to remove microbiological pollution in the drinking water is to add chlorine to the water. Although the effect of chlorine dosage on the removal of microorganisms is quite high, it is not 100%, the organisms that can resist disinfectants, such as some spore-forming microorganisms, can only be retained by Ultra filtration membranes. Since the pore diameters of the membranes that we use in ultra filtration systems are smaller than the diameters of the microorganisms, it is possible to purify water with 100% safety. Ultra filtration modules are widely used for perfect filtration of the surface waters, waste water recovery and also pre-treatment of the seawater osmosis systems. Thus, it reduces the load on the membranes in reverse osmosis systems, providing a longer useful life and improvement in the water quality.

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