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Atlama Havuzu ve Olimpik Havuz Aksesuarları
LENGTH FR 2.1.1 The length of the pool is 50 meters. If the touch panels of automatic official equipment are used in the starting part or additionally in the return part, the pool must have a length of 50 meters in order to provide the necessary distance between the two panels. FR 2.1.2 The width of the pool is 25 meters. If the touch panels of automatic official equipment are used in the starting part or additionally in the return part, the width of the pool should be 25 meters to provide the necessary distance between the two panels. DIMENSIONS TOLERANCE As against the length of FR 2.2.1 50 meters, dimensions plus 0.03 meters on each lane and minus 0.0 meters on either side of the wall at each point from 0.3 meters to 0.8 meters below the water surface apply. These dimensions must be approved by a supervisor or official and authorized personnel. (by a personnel approved or appointed by the member of the country where the pool is located) When the touch panels are installed, these tolerances cannot exceed the given figures. FR 2.2.2 Against a width of 25 meters, dimensions plus 0.03 meters on each lane and minus 0.0 meters on either side of the wall at each point from 0.3 meters to 0.8 meters below the water surface apply. These dimensions must be approved by a supervisor or official and authorized personnel. (by a personnel approved or appointed by the member of the country where the pool is located) When the touch panels are installed, these tolerances cannot exceed the figures given. DEPTH The dimensions required for pools with starting blocks are as follows; extending from one meter to at least six meters from the end wall; depth of at least 1.35 meters. For other pool types, a minimum size of 1.0 meter is required. WALLS FR 2.4.1 End walls should be parallel to each other and made of solid material at right angles to the direction of buoyancy. In addition, it should have non-slippery surfaces extending to a depth of 0.8 meters from the water surface and should be able to allow the athlete to touch himself and go back in a way that does not allow danger. FR 2.4.2 Resting areas are permitted along the pool; these places cannot go less than 1.2 meters below the surface of the water. And it can be 0.1 to 0.15 meters wide. FR 2.4.3 Gutters may be located on all four walls of the pool. If end wall gutters are present, they should be located 0.3 meters above the water surface to allow attachment to the touch panels. These gutters should be properly covered with a grating or grating. FR 2.5 Lanes must be at least 2.5 meters wide and 0.2 meters wide between the first lane and the last lane rope and the wall. LANE ROPES FR 2.6.1 Lane ropes should continue along the swimming direction and be securely fastened to each end with anchors located inside the end walls. Each lane rope should have a minimum diameter of 0.15 meters and pontoons extending from one end of the pool to the other. There should not be more than one rope between each lane. It is also very important that the lane ropes are firmly attached. FR 2.6.2 The lines 15 meters from each end wall of the pool must have a color that can clearly distinguish them from other pontoons. FR 2.6.3 Barges for 50 meter pools must have a different color that can be distinguished from other barges representing 25 meters. FR 2.6.4 Soft designators of lane numbers may be placed on the lane ropes at the starting and turning parts of the pool. START PLATFORMS Starting platforms should be solid and not feel like they are springing. The height of the platform from the water should be between 0.5 and 0.75 meters. The surface area of ​​the platform must be at least 0.5x0.5 meters and must be covered with a non-slippery material. The maximum degree of inclination cannot be more than 10%. The platform should not feel like it is springing when the swimmer takes action with the start. If the starting platform exceeds 0.04 meters, arcs of 0.01 meters on each side and 0.4 meters on the front form, intersecting the surface of the platform by 0.03 meters. The handles for the starting movement can be mounted on the starting platforms. Those for retrograde motion should be placed vertically and horizontally 0.3 to 0.6 meters above the water surface. These parts should be parallel to the end wall and protrude beyond the end wall. The depth of water from 1.0 to 6.0 meters from the end wall should be at least 1.35 meters from where the starting platforms are placed. Electronic reading boards can be placed under the blocks. Flashing is not allowed on boards. When the return process starts, the shapes should not move during this time. NUMBERING Each starting block should be numbered so that it is clearly visible from all four sides. Lane number one should be on the right when looking towards the swimming direction from the starting side. However, since 50-meter competitions can start from the opposite direction, this rule is invalid in such events. The touch panels can also be numbered from the top. SIGNS OF BACK Flag ropes extending from one end of the pool to the other must be placed within fixed standards at least 1.8 and maximum 2.5 meters above the water surface and 5 meters from each end wall. Clear markings should be placed on both sides of the pool and where possible, the distance between each end wall and the lane rope should be 15.0 meters. WATER TEMPERATURE The water temperature should be between 25 and 28 degrees Celsius. During the competition, the pool water temperature should be kept at a certain level and no change should be allowed. Cleaning the pool can continue without creating waves or turbulence, according to the mandatory sanitary rules in many countries. LIGHTING The light intensity should not be less than 600 lux on the starting platforms and turns. LEVEL SIGNS The lane markings must be a dark, contrasting color and are in the center of each lane; should be placed at the bottom of the pool. Width: Minimum 0.2 meters and maximum 0.3 meters Length: 46.0 meters for 50-meter-long pools 21.0 meters for 25-meter-long pools Each lane line should end 2.0 meters from the end wall and must intersect the lane line with a length of 1.0 meters and a width of 1.0 meters. Target lines should be located on the end walls or touch panels, they should have the same width as the lane lines in the center of each lane. These lengths can be exceeded in such a way that they do not protrude over the surface of the pool. The 0.5 meter long cross line should be located 0.3 meter below the water surface and is measured towards the center point of the cross line. COMPARTMENTS If the partitions feature an end wall, they must be solid and cover the full width of the swimming direction. They should have a vertical and slippery surface, not less than 0.8 meters below the water surface and 0.3 meters above the water surface, with touch pads on them. Structures that do not allow dangerous events below or above the waterline, which will not be damaged by the fingers of the swimmer's hands and feet, should be used. The divisions must ensure that the officials can move freely throughout the competition in a way that does not create waves or water currents. SWIMMING POOLS FOR THE OLYMPICS AND WORLD CHAMPIONS Length: The length between automatic official equipment touch panels should be 50.0 meters, except for World Short Championships. The length between the automatic official equipment touch panels on the starting side and the starting walls and touch panels on the turns should be 25.0 meters. Dimensional tolerances in FR 3.1 FR 2.2.1 FR 3.2 Width: 25.0 meters for Olympics World Champions FR 3.3 Depth: At least 2.0 meters FR 3.4 Walls: As in FR 2.4.1 FR 3.5 Grooves: As in FR 2.4.3 FR 3.6 Number of lanes: 8 FR 3.7 The lanes are 2.5 meters wide with two 2.5-meter gaps between the first and eighth lanes. There should be a rope separating these gaps from the first and eighth lanes. (For Olympics and World Champions, respectively) FR 3.8 Lane ropes: As in FR 2.6 FR 3.9 Starting platforms: As in FR 2.7. There must be false start control equipment. FR 3.10 Numbering: As in FR 2.8 FR 3.11 Turn signals: As in FR 2.9 FR 3.12 Incorrect start rope: as in FR 2.10 FR 3.13 Water temperature: As in FR 2.11 FR 3.14 Lighting: The light intensity for the entire pool should not be less than 1500 lux. FR 3.15 Lane markings: As in FR 2.13. The center point distances of each lane should be 2.5 meters. FR 3.16 If the swimming pool and the diving compartment are in the same area, the distance separating the two pools must be at least 5.0 meters STARTER DEVICES FR 4.3.1 A microphone must be available for the starter to give verbal commands. FR 4.3.2 If a gun is used, a transducer must be used. FR 4.3.3 Microphone and transducer must be connected to loudspeakers in each start block. The commands given by the starter and the start signal must be heard simultaneously. (equally by each swimmer) FR 4.4.4 Markings: The markings on the panels must be in harmony with the existing markings of the pool. The perimeter and edges of the panels should be marked with a 0.025 meter black border. FR 4.4.5 Safety: Panels must be safe to prevent electric shock and must not contain sharp edges. FR 4.5 With semi-automatic equipment, the finish is determined by the official who pressed the button upon the final touch of the swimmer. FR 4.6 The following constitute the items required by automated equipment. FR 4.6.1 A breakdown of all knowledge acquired during the race FR 4.6.2 Scoreboard for the audience FR 4.6.3 The arc of the start of the race is considered 1/100th of a second. If competitors have cameras over their heads, they are part of the automatic system. FR 4.7.2 There must be a ventilation and air conditioning system. The dimensions of this control center are 6.0 x 3.0 meters and should be located between 3.0 meters and 5.0 meters from the end wall. It should be noted that the view of the finish wall is not obstructed during the race. At other times, the control center must be secured. FR 4.7.3 Video-tape time measuring system FR 4.8 Semi-automatic equipment can be used to supplement automatic official equipment in FINA. This equipment is used in big races where there is no need for finish judges and where there are three buttons for each lane, each of which is operated by a different official. The person controlling the turns can make one of the buttons work.AUTOMATIC OFFICIAL EQUIPMENT FR 4.1 Automatic and semi-automatic official equipment measures the speed of each face to help determine its relative position in the race. Velocity calculations are 1/100th of a second. These equipment should not affect the swimmer's initial movements, turns and system. FR 4.2 Equipment must have: FR 4.2.1 must be activated by the starter. FR 4.2.2 If possible, there should be no cable at the pool side. FR 4.2.3 It should have the capacity to display information for each lane. FR 4.2.4 shall display the swimmer's speed digitally.
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