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Filtration Materials

Filtration Materials Anthracite It is used for the removal of suspended solids. Utility water, pool water, waste water and process water are used as filter material. Dolomite It is used to mineralize reverse osmosis product waters. In order for it to work, there must be CO ortamda in the environment. It takes CO₂ from water and gives Ca2+. Aqua Mandix It is a filter material used for iron and manganese removal. Aqua-Semidol It is used to add minerals to reverse osmosis product waters. In order for it to work, there must be CO ortamda in the environment. It takes CO₂ from water and gives Ca2+ and Mg2+. Garnet It is the filter material used to lower the SDI before reverse osmosis. Zeolite It is very effective for ammonia removal in water. It can also be used in various filtering techniques.

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