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Water to Water
A heat pump is a machine that transfers energy between different environments. The efficiency of heat pumps is called COP. COP (Coefficient Of Performance) is the expression used in Thermodynamics and shows the relationship between the power consumed by the heat pump and the heat energy it produces. For example, a heat pump with a COP of four provides four units of heat energy for one unit of energy it consumes. A higher COP value means less energy consumption. Ecoteq and Ecocycle heat pumps have a COP of over 4.0. Heat pumps have the feature of heating bath and pool water. It will be possible to use the pool and domestic water of your hotels, gyms, sites, baths and detached villas in the most comfortable and economical way in winter with a heat pump. It can also be applied in the heating and cooling of greenhouses and animal shelters.

Providing the required energy with maximum efficiency with its continuous step-controlled inverter structure makes it superior to its competitors. While doing this, a unique energy efficiency is achieved by combining the outside air compensation feature it contains with inverter technology. ECOTEQ and ECOCYCLE MW-Series heat pumps provide passive cooling with an additional heat exchanger. In addition, MW series heat pumps provide easy installation as they include all source and user side circulation pumps and diverter valves.
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